Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Mayhem I Narrative

The average person has over 1,460 dreams each year. [A crazy statistic to wrap your mind around.] How on earth do we have that much going on in our heads when exhaustion has set in. It makes me smile and breath a sigh of relief really... To know that my brain keeps thinking, creating, and inspiring well after my head has hit the pillow and I cling to sleep to give me the energy to face the next day. In a way it gives me hope. [A strange thought I know.]

I do not want to completely stop doing or being simply because of the necessity of sleep or the presence of boredom. There is still a heart beating that has deep feeling, triggering senses and thoughts. While some dreams may not be overwhelmingly pleasant, they come from my heart and my head and who and what inspires me.

How amazing that we never stop. Keep dreaming everyone. Keep doing.
 Until next time...

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