When I think of my dad, I think of my younger years, filled with sports. Hours spent in gyms shooting free throw, sitting on a bucket catching for me as I practice pitching fast pitch softball, time spent analyzing my golf swing and blisters until they hurt so bad you couldn’t hold the club anymore. As I continue to grow older, the sacrifices my dad made to be the best dad he could for me is continually brought to my attention. That sacrifice didn’t stop on the court or at the driving range; that sacrifice continues to this day. Sitting in the tax office for hours on his vacation to sign my vehicle documents just this March is another that comes to mind. Let me tell you, I would throw the best fit a make shift five year old has ever thrown if I had to do anything of the sort. My dad is thoughtful, wise, caring, loves Jesus with all his heart, and the best male role model I could have ever hand-picked. I guess God really knew what He was doing when He gave me my dad. He is truly the best man I know to this day and I know people throughout the United States that would back me up and say that he is one of the most quality guys they have ever had the pleasure to know. What an honor to have a man like that in your life, let alone you DAD! The man that I marry will have big shoes to fill, no pressure! But I am constantly taking notes and looking up.

Hot dang am I blessed! That’s all I can even put into words is that. Ha. Pathetic, but I am really beyond words for what that man is in my life. It puts a smile on my face and almost brings me to tears as I write that. I am continually reminded how incredibly blessed I am and this man is in so many pieces of my blessings.
Happy Father’s Day dad. I love you with all my heart. You are and forever will be my Faja :)
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