Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Indiana Meets Florida

For me, this has been a week of reflection. Instead of holding it all in, I thought I would reflect out loud :) This way you can see where I have been and how the almost six months have become what they are.

I had no idea what my life would hold when I left Indiana in early November for a trail run in Florida. Since that November morning I have met some of the most amazing people, become involved in a church ( that is perfect for this stage in my life, landed a great job, progressed my photography business, and the list goes on and on.

According to Road to Well Being, my life should be a hot, stressful, mess. Ironically, the transition has been nothing of the sort. While yes, there have been tears and confusion and plenty of questioning, I survived without falling to pieces. I owe all of that to my Lord, Jesus Christ. No way is a transition like this possible without His love and protection. All of the right people were here to love on me when I stepped foot in Tampa. The job part took a little more patience, but all in His timing, I was able to find where He wanted me all along. And now photography is finally taking its steps. Ashlee Proffitt Design is in the process of branding Kortni Marie Photography, shoots are starting to appear, and wedding season is almost in bloom! This only reiterates God’s promise to prosper me and not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11).

Just the other night, I was almost in tears talking to my Florida family about what God has given me in the past six months. To say that I am blessed is an understatement. To think where I have come in such a short time is simply astonishing. I thank everyone who has been a part of this process and has given me love and support along the way.

And in the month of April, I became an official, official Floridian. (it’s kind of fun to say that) I have a Florida driver’s license, Florida car insurance (which has terrible rates I might add), a new bank, an officially changed address, a new car title, and a Florida license plate. While these are just a few things, let me tell you how exhausting it was to get all of this handled. My parents would vouch for that. They got countless phone calls with me stressed to the point of tears over dang car insurance! Really!? Ha. Yes. It is true.

But now Indiana has officially met Florida and the view along the ride has been glorious. I challenge anyone who is contemplating a change to jump on it. While it has its rocky points, the ride is worth the jump. Simply put your trust in God and He will take care of the rest.

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