Monday, January 9, 2012

David & Adrienne I Engagement

I see the writing on the wall
And realize that after all life’s not so bad
I walk around, start to smile
Watch the joy go dancing down the aisle
It travels like a fad
Cause you cannot escape the pounding in your chest
It’ll tell you there’s something that you must confess

If blood’s flowing through my veins
And there’s air to breath, life to live
Then I’ve got a song to sing
On this normal day, September 22nd

Love is the purest emotion of life. Love is something our heart fully desires and God has given to our hearts. On September 22, 2012, David and Adrienne are declaring their love before God, their family, and friends. In anxious preparation, engagement photos were in order. On the coldest day of the season in Indiana thus far we ventured our to take their engagement photos that they will treasure for times to come. Why the coldest day, oh just our luck! It was 20 degrees and howling wind with snow in the mix. No fear, despite the shivers, it all went wonderfully. Enjoy what has been prepared for their big day, September 22nd. 

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