I am leaving for Florida on Thursday and taking a leap of faith to see what is ahead. Before I graduated with my undergraduate degree I had said that I wanted to go somewhere besides Indiana just because I can. I have nothing holding me back. I guess you could say I was a responsible adult and instead of stretching my legs I grunted down and completed my MBA to help ensure a future I would enjoy. Within that year, I tested the waters with my photography. I am more than pleased where it has gone! And this is where my story begins....

I am attending a photographer's workshop on Saturday, November 5th. This will be a great step in my photography career and am so excited to learn more to make myself a better photographer. Thanks to Shay Cochrane for hosting!
(I'm excited to learn, can you tell!?)

From there I have decided to stay in Florida for an unknown period of time. I am going to experience the state, the culture, the people, and an amazing church to see if this is some place I could see myself at for a while. I am thankful for Adam and Abby! (These fine people on the right).
They are allowing me to stay with their family in Wesley Chapel while I get grounded. In addition to the relationships I hope to build, I NEED A JOB! I know this is the cry of thousands of people, but I am trusting in God to supply me with the right job and the right time. Is that place for a job in Florida? I am waiting to see. I feel the calling to go and be myself and be submissive to God's plan. I am terrified, excited, nervous, anxious, and could cry just typing this out. This is a very exciting, but scary time in my life. I hope I am following what God has planned for my life. I feel like this is something that I need to do to be a better person, friend, and daughter. While all of these emotions are running through my head and my heart, I do feel as though this is right. With constant prayer and conversation I am currently packing my bags. Yikessss!
So a prayer request to send out to you all. Pray for relationships. Pray for a job. Pray that I continue to be submissive to God's plan for my life. Pray that I am relieved of all the worry and fear that is pounding in my heart at this very moment. Pray that this would be the start of a great period in my life.
Again, FREAKING OUT, but excited to see what is before me.
On the upside, check out this weather forecast! I will take this over Indiana frost any day!

In all seriousness, thank you for your prayers and your support.
With a grateful heart,
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